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Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Amazonite is used to treat fatigue, trauma, or anything else that may take energy away from a person. Amazonite is said to help with problems with the thyroid glands and also aids in treating alcoholism. It has a gentle healing quality that is useful to nearly everyone in a general manner.

African Bloodstone is often used to increase courage, motivation, and creative energy. It's also beneficial for endurance and physical strength. In addition, bloodstone can remove blocks that are keeping us stuck, which can help to revitalize our energy and create a clear path forward.

African Turquoise is considered the stone of evolution, bringing about great change and transformation in life. This gorgeous stone opens up your mind to the possibility of all things new and unknown. It helps us to accept the need for change and gives us the strength to pursue it with confidence.

Amethyst Chevron (Dream) is good for all psychic abilities. It cleanses the aura and aids in auric diagnosis. This crystal will also amplify the energies required for manifestation. It strengthens psychic abilities, visualization skills, intuitive guidance, and dream recall. It enhances spiritual healing.

Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. Even helpful in preventing nightmares and other unpleasant dreams due to its strong, spiritual vibration.

Ametrine helps to remove negativity from the physical body and auric field and fills these areas with the light and energy of love and healing. It also assists in removing blockages from all bodies including the physical, mental, and spiritual. Metaphysically, Ametine activates, heals, and opens the Third Eye Chakra to offer greater insight, intuition, and wisdom.

Angelite is thought to improve spirituality and spiritual awareness, with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. Many believe it promotes communication and self-express while dispelling fear, anger, and anxiety.

Angelite is closely related to the astrological sign of Aquarius. Because of its blue color, Angelite is associated with the throat, third eye, and crown chakras.

Black Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophesy.

Black Onyx crystals can be used for grounding, protection, and self-control, and as a shield against negative energy. It also enhances discipline, allowing more ease in following through on goals and completing tasks. Black onyx is also believed to help with issues related to the feet and bone marrow.

Black Tourmaline is one of the most popular stones used in spiritual practices. It is most commonly used for protection and is recommended for anyone exposed to uncomfortable environments. This stone acts as a negative deterrent by cleansing and protecting your auric field.

Bloodstone is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. ... Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revitaliser.

Blue Spot Jasper Spiritually, the Blue Spot Jasper Stone has strong healing and grounding powers that promotes courage, inner strength, and encourages calmness. It contains various shades of blue spots, circles, and swirls and has a bright polished luster.

Botswana Agate is a comfort stone, beneficial in overcoming depression, and strengthening during a grieving process. It helps alleviate obsessive thoughts and destructive mental patterns, and assists in overcoming fears, such as agoraphobia and panic attacks in crowded places.

Brecciated Jasper is also thought to provide mental clarity and focus to its wearer. The uplifting stone may help to increase organization and decrease stress. Jaspers in general have been viewed as symbolizing the variety that is the Earth, and all the balance and grounding that implies.

Bronzite is a “stone of courtesy”, especially helpful to people who greet and assist the public. It will even instill a polite nature in those around you. Emotionally, Bronzite promotes a loving and unprejudiced discernment within us. It provides the ability to resolve unsettled emotions in our life.

Carnelian A stabilising stone, restores vitality, motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It's often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power.

Clear Quartz Crystal is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. ... A powerfully protective stone, it also purifies on all levels; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Because it directs and amplifies energy it is exceptionally beneficial for manifesting, meditation, and channeling.

Colourful Fluorite It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

Crackle Quartz aka Cracked Qtz is all about spiritual growth, it loves enticing you to look deep. It's a crystal that connects with all the chakras, clearing out blockages, spring cleaning your aura, and inviting energy to flow. Part of the Clear Quartz meaning is that it especially likes to stimulate the crown chakra.

Crazy Lace Agate Similar to other agates and silica rocks, crazy lace agate is a good general healing stone. Crazy lace agate is commonly referred to as the "laughter stone," or "happy lace." It's a balancing and protecting stone, believed to ward off the "evil eye," bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain.

Dalmatian Jasper reconnects us with our playful nature, it balances Yin and Yang and aligns the Physical, Emotional, and Mental bodies with the etheric realm. It is helpful in overcoming depression, nightmares, and negative thinking.

Dragon Blood This powerful stone assists in drawing in powerful energy from the Earth to keep the body stimulated and strong. It's a stone for the brave, helping release all insecurities, shyness, and self-doubt. It helps bring a deep sense of self-love by helping the person rediscover parts of themselves that they have forgotten, and parts they have not yet tapped into. It's a powerful journey stone because it opens up the heart to forgiveness of others and of the self. Only when we can forgive ourselves, can we begin to fully love ourselves, and begin to forgive others. Making it a powerful play of Heart and Root energies.

Garnet balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate, and can inspire love and balance the sex drive. Garnet is considered a lucky stone, for love, success, and for business relationships. It helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence.

Goldstone Blue is highly regarded in the spirit realm as a protection mineral. It is the stone of confidence and ambition, encouraging motivation and drive. It has positive energy, which makes it an uplifting stone while also promoting vitality. *Resonates with the throat chakra.

Goldstone Red is said to be the stone of Confidence and ambition, encouraging motivation and drive. It encourages a positive attitude, it is an uplifting stone, Goldstone is said to promote vitality, and help to lift anxious people to a happier mindset.

Green Adventurine famously soothes professional performance anxiety while stimulating mental clarity, creativity, and compassion. On a more physical level, an Aventurine stone is known to promote the healthy functioning of the thymus gland while also supporting the nervous system.

Green Agate According to modern healers who use stones in healing, green agate increases compassion, generosity, and a keen sense of justice, along with enhancing mental and emotional flexibility, improving decision-making, and resolving disputes. It also encourages these traits in others.

Green Amethyst strengthens peace and calm and brings generosity, growth, health, happiness, harmony, stability, and fertility. Green is the colour of Nature and as such it helps relieve tensions and irritation. It symbolises self-respect and wellbeing.

Green Fluorite to clear mental fog, confusion or conflicting ideas, or to quiet worried thoughts and anxiety. It is ideal for overcoming any form of disorganisation, and is perfect for increasing thought and concentration. An excellent study and learning tool, Fluorite helps absorb new information and improves memorization and retention. Used regularly, it nurtures the intelligence and is even believed to raise the I.Q

Green Jade It's mainly considered as a symbol of serenity, tranquility, and purity. It's a stone that's believed to bring in good luck, friendship, peace, and harmony. These Jade properties make it a very versatile stone.

Hematite In terms of physical health, hematite has been used as a medicinal stone for thousands of years. It is believed to be an excellent healing stone as it is thought to support circulation and cleanse the blood. It can also alleviate mental stress and anxiety.

Honey Yellow Jade is believed to be a powerful emotional balancing stone. It is said to radiate divine unconditional love. ... It brings the mind, body, emotions, and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy.

Howlite White is a calming stone and it can help its wearer to reduce their own levels of stress and anger, as well as anger that is directed towards them. Howlite absorbs negative energy and its calming qualities are thought to also help reduce insomnia as it relieves and unburdens an overactive mind.

Indian Agate Known as the stone of eternity, Indian Agate, brings comfort to the idea of growing old with ever-growing inner beauty, wisdom, and gratitude for all that is and will be. It helps to release old emotions and brings a positive outlook on life. It brings calming, and tranquil vibrations to the heart.

Kambaba Jasper aka Crocodile Jasper Rich in orbs and swirls of green and black, this stone is commonly used to aid in meditation. Known for providing peace and tranquility, Kambaba Jasper is said to remove blockages in the heart and base chakras to dispel worry and negativity, and allow a clear path for clarity and serenity to flow.

Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well. Labradorite is known for its changing colors, so it is no surprise this gemstone is known as a stone of transformation, enhancing the strength of will and inner worth. The gemstone labradorite is said to stimulate the throat chakra.

Lapis Lazuli is a highly spiritual stone and is known as the stone of truth and friendship. It brings harmony, love, and protection to relationships. It also helps aid awareness and good judgment, which can help deepen relationships.

Mahogany Obsidian is often used to remove energy blockages, including psychic cords, that sap one's inner strength. It is also used for protection from psychic attacks by those who wish to harm one or those who might inadvertently do so. It is said to strengthen the aura, further protecting the person.

Malachite is an important protection stone. Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. ... Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love.

Moonstone A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success, and good fortune in love and business matters.

Moss Agate is said to encourage tranquility and emotional balance. Moss agate is the perfect stone for those who experience strong aggression or overly nurturing emotions, helping to balance male and female energies whenever they become too extreme.

New Jade is also known as Serpentine, it assists to soothe the emotional body, releases fear of change and hardship helping us to look to the future with a positive outlook. It contains the history of the Earth, the fairy domains, and Devic realms of the planet. It helps us to connect with the heart and mind of Nature.

Ocean Jasper brings that same spirit of peace and letting go, of breathing deeply and consciously, attuning to Nature, and being physically and spiritually present in one's surroundings. Ocean Jasper draws its soothing power from the element of Water.

Olivian Jade aka Olive Jade is an emotionally soothing stone that brings peace and harmony. An ideal crystal ally for those needing support with phobias or panic attacks. Olive Jade is said to quell temperamental behaviour.

Opalite is an all-round healing stone. It enhances the sexual experience and encourages sexual prowess. Opalite is said to stabilise mood swings and helps to overcome tiredness. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds.

Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of will and sexuality.

Picture Jasper Among practitioners of gemstone healing, picture jasper is a powerful grounding stone that promotes connection to the earth. Some view this stone as a direct message from the Earth itself, instilling a sense of proportion, bringing comfort, alleviating fear, and cultivating harmony.

Rainbow Moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony, and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance, and inner confidence. Rainbow moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren't immediately obvious.

Red Jasper is said to increase emotional stamina, self-confidence, self-trust, emotional protection, courage, balance, calm, and relaxation. Red Jasper can also be used for increasing memory of dreams and also increasing sexual vibrancy.

Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears, and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one's highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic.

Rose Quartz is known as a healing crystal and the stone of unconditional love. It's believed by some to emit strong vibrations of love, which are thought to support emotional and relationship healing. inspire compassion.

Ruby Fuchsite A stone for the Heart Chakra, and is the perfect combination for love, fertility, and positive growth. The contrasting colors and densities of these stones is a wonderful symbol of unity, togetherness, and a lasting bond. ... Ruby Fuchsite energizes the root and heart chakras.

Selenite is said to be a powerful healing crystal that promotes peace and calm, mental clarity, and well-being. It's also believed by some that this crystal can remove negative energy and help you connect to higher realms.

Serpentine minerals have a harmonious connection with our heart center and assists in bringing our truest desires to life. This will help in our ability to love and display compassionate emotions. Serpentine minerals aid in the release of useless emotions that may feel as though they are bound or glued to our beings.

Shivalingam aka Lingam, is a very unique and sacred gemstone. Lingam is a symbol of the endless power of the universe, creativity, uniqueness, sense of acceptance, and creation, just like benitoite stone.

Shungite is a carbon-rich stone that's believed to reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, EMF exposure, relieve emotional stress, soothe insomnia, relieve pain, improve energy levels, detoxify the mind, body, and spirit, Some also claim it can purify water.

Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies. Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.

Snowflake Obsidian works to help balance, purify, and ground one's mind, body, and aura. This stone activates our root and third eye chakras, enhancing one's psychic abilities, especially that of past life recall.

Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog.

Tigers Eye - Red is a stone of passion and stimulation. Its properties are closely connected to the human sex drive, and it is often used to either increase libido or help a person deal with sexual frustrations and issues. It is a variety of Tigers Eye.

Tourmalinated Quartz purifies ones own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it. ... An effective grounding stone, Tourmaline Quartz strengthens the body's energy field against external invasion and deflects detrimental environmental influences.

Tree Agate is also believed to boost the immune system and balance water in the body. Agate gemstones in general are believed to have quiet energy associated with the heart chakra. Agate strengthens relationships, promotes composure, and offers a warm, protective quality to the wearer.

Turquoise the captivating sea-green stone of the ancients, represents wisdom, tranquility, protection, good fortune, and hope. Ancient peoples believed in its profound power to protect, as well as its tranquil energy and its association with enduring love.

Unakite is said to be a stone of vision, opening the third eye and useful for scrying. It is also believed to be a stone of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together. Among crystal healing practitioners, Unakite is used to support convalescence from illness.

Yellow Agate the revitalizing crystal is said to reinforce courage, confidence, happiness, and prosperity into our lives. It is also believed to bestow good health and physical well-being. Yellow Agate or Peela hakik can be worn in gold rings, or the Yellow Agate mala to get favourable results.

Yellow Jade represents wisdom gathered in peaceful peace. It's also a symbol of happiness and success, protecting those who carry it. This crystal strengthens love and care in oneself, which is useful in meditation. This gemstone renews true friendship and has energetic and stimulating energy.

Zebra Stone helps you to find your balance in life. It encourages a generous, loving interpretation of the people in your life, helping you see beneath the superficial face of others to see their true nature in a loving light. Zebra stone is particularly effective at protecting your aura.

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